Hi, everyone! You might notice there are suddenly a lot of posts here... with dates ranging all the way back to 2008!
This is because I am in the process of merging my old Wordpress blog over into my main website (which is where you are now). I want to have all my previous posts archived here so that the content will still be available after I (eventually) take the other blog down. So while the posts here won't show the original numbers of views, likes, and comments from the other blog, the content is exactly the same!
My previous blog was centered on Tips for Writers, and has been running since I first started teaching writing back in grad school... but it's time for a shift!
Moving forward, I'll be blogging directly through this site. Future posts will be focused on three main categories: News & Updates, Flash Fiction (short fiction pieces available free for you to read), and Tips for Writers (a continuation of what I've always produced on the other blog).
If you want to get notifications whenever I post, be sure to sign up as a Site Member here on my page and check the box for Blog notifications! (Being a Site Member will also give you access to my forums, should you choose to use them. :) )
Thanks, and happy reading!